It's hard or impossible to see people creating Standard Game in Malaysia's Cyber Cafes. Every time you go to the Cyber Cafe, all you see are DotA, Perfect World, SDO(super dancer online) and other games. How come there's no Starcraft or Warcraft standard game? Man~..I'm kinda pissed off to see there's no single Standard Game created in Cyber Cafes. In fact, I like how Koreans crazy for Starcraft and Warcraft instead of DotA.
DotA was created by using Warcraft Map Editor, it's not an Original game, it's just a MAP! Undeniably, it's a great map and top 1 map in Warcraft use map settings. I don't know why DotA is in the Malaysia WCG list! all the gamers in Malaysia, try to play Warcraft or Starcraft standard game in Cyber Cafe instead of DotA since Starcraft II will be released soon, otherwise Paulyan(Malaysia WCG Champion 2007 - Warcraft Standard Game) has no opponent and always get his Championships in Malaysia WCG. What I want to see is someone beat Paulyan and in this case, that shows the popularity of Warcraft standard game. I know there are a lot of gamers in Malaysia, especially in Sarawak and Sabah who can beat Paulyan, they just don't have the chance to fly to Kuala Lumpur to participate in WCG.
Paulyan is a tough player to beat in Malaysia though due to the lack of people playing Warcraft Standard Game. Just like...Telekom Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia has no competitors, that's why the price of Streamyx remain so expensive! How I wish Telekom Malaysia has a competitor one day. MAS has a competitor now - AirAsia, that's great! Same goes to Paulyan, because he has few competitors, that's why he always get champions in Malaysia WCG. Hopefully he managed to get Champion in WCG on 4th October 2007 in United States. Very unlucky for him is that, he is grouped with many pro-gamers in Group B - ToD4K(WCG finalist last year), MYM]Moon(legendary player - my opinion) and defs.Terror. Hmm~.. tough game for him.
Create more Warcraft Standard Game in Cyber Cafes please!!!!!!!!!! I want to play and train with strong players and I'm willing to learn.
DotA was created by using Warcraft Map Editor, it's not an Original game, it's just a MAP! Undeniably, it's a great map and top 1 map in Warcraft use map settings. I don't know why DotA is in the Malaysia WCG list! all the gamers in Malaysia, try to play Warcraft or Starcraft standard game in Cyber Cafe instead of DotA since Starcraft II will be released soon, otherwise Paulyan(Malaysia WCG Champion 2007 - Warcraft Standard Game) has no opponent and always get his Championships in Malaysia WCG. What I want to see is someone beat Paulyan and in this case, that shows the popularity of Warcraft standard game. I know there are a lot of gamers in Malaysia, especially in Sarawak and Sabah who can beat Paulyan, they just don't have the chance to fly to Kuala Lumpur to participate in WCG.
Paulyan is a tough player to beat in Malaysia though due to the lack of people playing Warcraft Standard Game. Just like...Telekom Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia has no competitors, that's why the price of Streamyx remain so expensive! How I wish Telekom Malaysia has a competitor one day. MAS has a competitor now - AirAsia, that's great! Same goes to Paulyan, because he has few competitors, that's why he always get champions in Malaysia WCG. Hopefully he managed to get Champion in WCG on 4th October 2007 in United States. Very unlucky for him is that, he is grouped with many pro-gamers in Group B - ToD4K(WCG finalist last year), MYM]Moon(legendary player - my opinion) and defs.Terror. Hmm~.. tough game for him.
Create more Warcraft Standard Game in Cyber Cafes please!!!!!!!!!! I want to play and train with strong players and I'm willing to learn.