Thursday, September 25, 2008

Malaysia Pro-Gamer with Unprofessional Attitudes?

1. The picture is about a conversation between a pro-gamer and a non pro-gamer. I've highlighted it. Check it out. Click to get a better view.

I've watched the replays, and this so-called phucking pro-gamer totally pissed me off. You know, when someone is requesting you to teach him, please lah show some sincerity and patience. Some more, you're a pro-gamer. Professional gamer not only you are required to be pro in a game, but your attitudes should be professional either. We used to call it "manner". Who knows the one who is requesting you is a fan of yours? However, you're out in my pro-gamer name lists. If I were a manager, you will be kicked out of the clan immediately without warning. I'll prefer the noobs with good manner more than hiring a bitch like you to my clan. Remember, practice makes perfect, the noobs can be a professional too in the future. I don't mind.

Look at SK.Remind. He's a humble person which he would answer all his fans questions if possible. Remember that when I was in a battle net chatting channel, I saw SK.Remind online and I whispered him with a lot of questions and he was able to give me a nice answers in a very humble and patience way.

I don't know why there's a big difference between the pro-gamers in Malaysia and the pro-gamers outside Malaysia. If this is the so-called Malaysian Culture, please fix it. I know your clan is top 5 in the world but your unprofessional ethics, I'll tell you, I would give you a LAST position. Like I said, show some professionalism towards your fans. Oh~maybe you have your own "secret" that teaching is not allowed. Okay, I can understand that, everyone has their own secret. Just like MYM]Moon, he has his own secret too. MYM]Moon won't teach anyone how he controls his Zeppelin. But in a manner way, you can say it like "Erm..I have no idea how to level up in the fastest way when I'm soloing the lane. But one thing for sure, keep practicing" Isn't that sounds better? Instead of saying "This sohai, damn kao bei"?

Last but not least, I hope one day, Malaysia professional gamers will show some respects to the fans and please be real professional. Chill~

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

OMG, I've Found Something Very Interesting

Origins of Hang Tuah ( and Hang Jebat Hang Lekiu etc)

By John Chow

This is what I heard:-

Findings of the team of scientists, archaeologist, historian and other technical staff from the United State, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Yemen & Russia

The graves of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and their close friends have been found and their skeletons had been analysed. Their DNA had been analysed and it is found that Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu etc. are not Malay, but Chinese (Islamic Chinese, just like the famous Admiral Cheng Ho). Malacca was a protectorate of China at that time, and the Emperor of China sent the Sultan of Malacca “yellow gifts’ as a token of his sovereignty. The 5 warrior brothers were believed to be sent to help protect Malacca and its Sultan from Siam (Thailand).

The Sultans of Malacca was directly descended from the Parameswara from Indonesia who fled to Tamasek (Singapore) and then to Malacca. The Malaccan Sulatanate family eventually spread and became the Sultanate of the other Malay states of Perak and Johor. Therefore, the Sultanate royal court and the aristocrats of the Malay sultanates are actually foreigners from Sumatra and Java. Hang Tuah and his friends were the protectors of the Indonesian aristocratic Parameswara family who came to Malaya around 1400 AD and claimed sovereignty of the land.

For confirmation please refer to:-

The Federal Association of Arc & Research of Michigan, USA


I don't really know how true it is, but it's worth to share.

I was wondering while reading this article though. Can we examine their race just by using the skeletons or DNA?

Well actually, I don't really care if he's a Chinese or a Malay, as long as, WE as a Malaysian should love each other and care for each other.

Frankly, back in those days, secondary school, I have a lot of Malay friends and they treat me like part of their family and so do my neighbour. Sometimes they cook Kari for us during Hari Raya and bake some delicious cakes for us during Chinese New Year.

We're just being fooled by the BNatang. So, STFU BNatang!!!


Here's the link where I get this article from.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

ImbaQ Comment Pissed Me Off

1. 此为demosthenes写给Icefrog的信. 更清楚的画面,请按图.














<---你也真他妈的...难道CS就不是为了CS玩家快乐制作的? 你知道你得罪了很多CS玩家吗?凸!!!!

趣。<---观众?也许以前是...但是...如今,DotA官方网站一直苦苦哀求玩家写信给WCG主办单位,希望DotA可以加入WCG. 香蕉的...如果想进WCG,就必须顾虑到观众!!!他奶奶的!

除了增加人头的奖励以及经验之外,其他都扯淡。 <---很好,这个我没意见.不过还是给你一个, 凸!


确实,比其他的电竞项目要长。但是你想怎样?如果这个游戏不流行的话,我可以理解,但是事实却不是这样。我不明白你为什么不喜欢45~60分钟左右的游戏?DotA是个完全不同的游戏,它不需要遵从大多数人的想法。<---吊你的, 你还真多Macam-macam! 时间长短怎么不是个问题?你要观众从头到尾看着你的英雄Farm, Last Hit, Deny? 还有, 最重要的,DotA不是游戏, 它只是一张地图. 奶奶的! 不同你阿妈游戏!


并且,这个游戏不是CS,他看起来不是那么的简单(CS是个简单游戏...)这跟市场化的游戏不一样,难道你要在牺牲玩家的基础上让这个游戏变得好看吗?<---这句很他妈的够力下, CS是个简单的游戏???你有病?简单的话,还比赛来干嘛?你用Sniper抢有多准?100% headshot是吗? 那去代表CS team啦, 简单嘛,拿多多奖牌和奖金过生活好了啊,何必代表DotA这样辛苦? DotA才是个简单的地图, 我拜托你. 有玩standard game的人,对dota简直就是太容易上手了. 凸!!!

至于推广之类的,网站上有很多攻略帖子,难道自己不会去看吗?<---知道你很pro找资料, 不是每个人像你这样pro好不好?不然论坛拿来干嘛?就是要讨论, ok??? 用脑想下啦!!亏你还打dota叻!

关于游戏架构问题,不要把苹果跟橘子互相比来比去的。<---我有听错吗?你不是也拿CS来做比较? 凸!!!!





Friday, September 5, 2008


Please feel free to visit my newly created forum. The forum is mainly about gaming specially made for Malaysian players who like to play Warcraft Standard Game.

Though there's DotA Discussion Forum in the forum, Warcraft Standard Game discussion is preferable. This is to encourage the people in Malaysia to support Warcraft Standard Game. It's bored to see or to hear that everything related to DotA. For those people who play Warcraft, I bet your conversations between you and your friends are all about DotA, aren't you? So, to make Warcraft Standard Game more popular like in Korea, this is the best way to start. I know DotA is fun, but Warcraft Standard Game requires more skills than DotA, well, that's only my personal opinion.

Anyway, there are 4 categories in the forum which are, General Forums, General Contents, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and lastly 中文讨论区. I'll make extra category if needed as it really takes time to manage a forum.

So, please feel free to share your thoughts in the forum or you may chit chat in General Forums' Members Chat section. What are you waiting for? Just register yourself, and have fun.

Thanks for your support.

Here's the link : Malaysia Gaming Forum

