Wednesday, September 12, 2007

1st Day of the Exam - Introduction to Cost Accounting

I couldn't believe the paper(Introduction to Cost Accounting) is piece of cake. The questions are exactly the same like the past years papers. Luckily I did all the exercises(past year questions) last night, else I wont be able to answer the questions easily.

The paper consists of 4 questions, 3 calculations and 1 theory. Ahem! I don't think I did very well in theory part but the calculations part is quite easy for me. Hope I got them full marks.

Oh, by the way, Alan Tan was sitting this paper too. How come? I thought he is taking lan subjects? Sorry for not to have brunch with you ah as I was in a rush. :P Take good care of yourself and good luck to your exams.

2 more papers(Economics and Mathematics) will be tested next Thursday and Saturday. Hmm~ but for now, I need to rest and cool down my brain.

